Pastor Climmic & First Lady Nelgryn Mercer

Pastor Climmic Mercer is a native of Elizabeth City, NC. He is the youngest of nine children to Connie and Annie E. Mercer. In 2003, Pastor Climmic Mercer and family moved to Charlotte, NC where they joined Sherman Memorial Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the late Bishop Cornelius Anderson, Sr.
On September 30, 2006, Newer Dimensions Church of God in Christ was officially established with six members (faithful family). On Sept. 30, 2007, Elder Climmic L. Mercer was officially installed as pastor under the leadership of Bishop C.E. Anderson, Sr. He served in many capacities of the church; Sunday School Superintendent, Intercessory Prayer Warrior, Radio Broadcast Ministry, which served the Northeast Carolina and Virginia area and First Administrative Assistant of the Charlotte District. Pastor Climmic Mercer is anointed to speak into your lives and preach God revealed word.
First Lady Nelgryn Mercer is a native of Elizabeth City, NC. She is the eighth of ten children to James and Vivian White. She has served as Youth Sunday School Teacher, Praise and Worship Leader, Choir Director and District Music President. She attended College of Albemarle, Elizabeth City State University, and is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. Pastor Climmic and First Lady Nelgryn Mercer have been married for thirty-two-years and with this union have five children and three grandchildren.
Pastor Climmic and First Lady Nelgryn Mercer believe in the importance of serving God and keeping family unify. They believe God has a plan and destiny for all and people must live out the journey that is set before them. They believe in striving for excellence and reaching for perfection.
Newer Dimensions Church Of God in Christ
4108-F North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28206